Enabling Access to cooking Energy by the most Energy Insecure Section of Society

Enabling Access to cooking Energy by the most Energy Insecure Section of Society

ADAPT+ is employing a ‘complete’ recycling strategy to address Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation thereby improving the resilience and livelihood of populations in most energy-insecure situations.  On one hand, ADAPT+ collects bio-waste which is processed through a gasification plant to produce electricity which runs a briquette-making plant.  The by-product that is produced, which is bio-char, is then used as a raw material to produce carbonized briquettes which are distributed within Refugee settlements. Under this at least 80,575 people are not only accessing sustainable supply of a clean cooking fuel but have also addressed other social and environmental issues that include primary health by controlling indoor pollution; Education of the girl-child by keeping girls in school rather than spending most of the time looking for firewood; Reducing gender-based violence by reducing distances women and girls have to move to collect firewood; and, Improving Food Security by providing more time for food production instead of looking for firewood.   Please contact us for more information